The rules are simple, players take turns leaning their head left or right to select costume items. In this example, player two is selecting the mustache icon...

...causing mustaches to magically appear on everyone's face! Players can mix and match costume items and taking funny pictures along the way.

I was inspired by character flip books and the drawing activity Exquisite Corpse. I wondered if there was a way to translate these concepts into an interactive filter...

I wanted to leverage popular filters that had already been created. This scary cat filter was very popular during Halloween, so it was a great candidate!

I created a storyboard that detailed out the flow of the experience. In the initial design, players took turns leaning left or right to grab moving icons. If the head, eye, and mouth items match, a special animation would play.

During testing session, I noticed participants enjoyed making other people wear silly outfits. The positive feedback encouraged us to take the design to the next level!

I made some revisions to the design based on all of the feedback I received during testing, and I fleshed out the design in more detail.

Pineapple Badminton

Narwhals vs. Unicorns

Chubby Bunny